Factor Info

ID 22223
Size 460 digits / 1525 bits
Status composite
Value 1104152129118058644181261045148986292847569353713439466390234692689167815017536980658490645597576129474084747369974613069326630542364776683902773624331041563589258218481685119213709665983940393269311756488143913418331168139278287775651311008322283273275002865499755019699810128336405763551911164001266774791433620739835639778530857200499044105383218030963087038628780839730754521585546522076422609362795275690963067537230807950338389041446535976940752212020789


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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