Factor Info

ID 23416
Size 472 digits / 1566 bits
Status composite
Value 2044147334754446166127280876830659255381835333970285878680560549104306751263381145639160949904515606335774767620652123106164091233296787018304255660344260307858081542307354745203750798090957706225823969966375094152094083695050590298912536824530488588965777716201822674461741726793115281263170363631225691209293132701900893114992439928059294077561134882581267041125278457954662967414989557698135543634655598664196516457068025268429533846952191244219754223026157015612220191


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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