Factor Info

ID 23450
Size 461 digits / 1532 bits
Status composite
Value 87398638712315964121552854981480466805732446116334647930118882890231748967464568197588118661192441707400499240995856139577683919957833993322868138268400038214935850474621333051577320077849174331951651031147307183642833494194876928051082228094884150178928808432912810845650523332780007298190760310797257077012249373031125961974899209460316849597792673778491640063674457046206284220112879127047740132749008618942452461132885186796324566684831243884202335644297591


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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