Factor Info

ID 31046
Size 471 digits / 1562 bits
Status composite
Value 118403805166480543801681450998498024718286078712257195246033368721307617658285767394560805363490199575489918685178867336607510317546886475743314180906748311934681575655094706054245871461024926334028822735253913558132512547178256023770691075578887279388508429444930802168766782285454807427356832064241544864183135517493538097563801148357159258256206382461477746810282676883327709291181037521593905443245740560334795031319187857821219908548058456209921828266674685550283251


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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