Factor Info

ID 32711
Size 466 digits / 1547 bits
Status composite
Value 4817908207430101901242517515224714397906960972278625721211179259016332638158361958517599411600424319813482159063433244554908578801728531281934226720343540743559508058817430448734487379866407122598980246283869336590024173636728972471782218282645395905175927881682475743682316972241146348094841123806605727213751179431597683691128436053029920120606720274627124856667553875902602965227856855985271019683532452847335799159832531833062395035997151414548232399316000480949


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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