Factor Info

ID 32949
Size 462 digits / 1533 bits
Status composite
Value 152689549603923851332598936856394509422168077761589891213063921159751885439730930660370406281473555042655948879923883014083936238298678894223707384132372022718642695547103469422277484215974819806592938478192652180476611297170955786461886649627619386227056818515083396946727086781126456336581788690672453341877091570960583911470437424042038875720141900380509169651645477687825054547543185525477560094643364535726231442867935818596260058619885937647307819596898061


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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