Factor Info

ID 33151
Size 461 digits / 1531 bits
Status composite
Value 43256461900264296781218786878130621707128958761568135784182692782008227358157027331143235905635319832485471115760111692750915477416535931852057064935987880015494472870229261519245484622406988937948348359898854776905069463425163979003096648718138243358897911851349311517984788753180356058723489689493481284501380214672318935307701253763182947428817324516841240112785274766996245855130119109241279192711890683360182777492672309684375143048750150987318556233227891


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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