Factor Info

ID 34052
Size 467 digits / 1550 bits
Status composite
Value 22490463009765308143206042620662406733270546170804073022761583577241712484211259109922292825918270198746917452598682419571871775233216435906589455937700017039601519531152988742876201708298454581501560793435816209161809055146086439544709162624361243389259531703680292714177163994187365206147711466035040411119631431973456532324428423682194253295860572142803412001984092606092713128826381128778301407861826512819056928445464683249703360192227905734080792671274795004807


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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