Factor Info

ID 34123
Size 467 digits / 1550 bits
Status composite
Value 36290782803129910117195048331692813019180902030273220224606842611640754280354164996451322256099636275111976712079525855625275980946380240557888720738787038467747269397500322300017782991857242149166529198842942847743189283820140905888198592151980081008559635625542438795823231184578808021021032238536184939062823979942340300337597142844077597061778358531052150748390260687038580019848487462335567369431769949331582794539057328350563718214053670798705117102924585791201


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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