Factor Info

ID 34941
Size 463 digits / 1536 bits
Status composite
Value 1377321386812018622045780917730465207378338998826107972205528593751575652338173257525191442347054885521970723589078859878778523987882833328554064564509014086545836193932357271297589758810103714101054596078507325747198483347374056634421512096142778532898460220327743974433095065051408990846468675989035055264889949871234740775644269135318070742083494966249537723298456845256451582115488933375486207538677405155500274694002967671518481669291124207030530392712768951


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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