Factor Info

ID 35089
Size 461 digits / 1531 bits
Status composite
Value 53274064565107791345422544877811824290806785633928627468938910147423522536964715692423376720988260717815667762290911576742412603137736016575072232676539911895044278006615505909280998572144056323277844222974041502420120777962227121592807359445327975258167240146785826173192795285878724841779829983408889771016128692724315542184528924749086617955253923733966424315391900197409406424488350937346109956100276906789166559244549141954608295074176130456972458357827337


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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