Factor Info

ID 35195
Size 466 digits / 1547 bits
Status composite
Value 4263874296409457738679648094092647723823716845963998786305419294048627658683898050782577949849982480605957481042377245192745335464655998192236641671991053238269914611048756575571930802877545760309127055598237147593642250597474420739190339678407824875823851650868682659052877868029583386185419969060208673823867659771870922744890514272685926729073211431654058442358639806463919387118792637501269363711981076501890073471798459169720725157773101159324221708065444510569


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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