Factor Info

ID 40821
Size 463 digits / 1538 bits
Status composite
Value 5705682439399082039430732313252826906146354377459102404910119739796131349970416054688015205658479569633547820709849929039240878701955284457234673872036089826642594102129910931107454843760074914837930169212413435724353912144603626432556727721641784488977765548960918450788927305557590349881671526858053497619087787854055255143297724337921957064020186173455828541141048807912024476567212903082870562556110340953147228367408511392989928579635120144347052853618676319


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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