Factor Info

ID 41302
Size 418 digits / 1387 bits
Status composite
Value 2138026876848844589125554523712748832903529905799753157537048233716343662410740218284070569639100182737676453114745421497213661418807221398037803962090902656862301808243674060677744990519426103491238721856668651969049758242370218335945231432827853549240186541765180521656649871587030799596636000728284767536866424252266123661363221756481684551254539306423217392627108220779159961831571890541205048540533091014702852593


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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