Factor Info

ID 51047
Size 471 digits / 1562 bits
Status composite
Value 100291270407608178907678598558957069768419476817829176298709646547821685791983013989465849817670621970859740374645475171855186223502627471964624720340582563485247386854718128772343445602579423335852552405472571084223537219259403458797831814761337920350787532835193782047070886996766340878569425219178200546810506947118539265745633338920227520020644459939806027473281023531750030736763285976718378521062373632590039517944287723063486221951095029102257364142070403633933197


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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