Factor Info

ID 55614
Size 401 digits / 1333 bits
Status composite
Value 96570555840486742376183834796705220494556239764009242152228477010017516551801007239275218886336944360533898782357753728802427544514465775512057034378549978600996751789774495416130141148296041627806794301190325400474250656249020759449415506837744052637209188603081801918096534877642617990222339492177350710187908712864154034694365179998331385175726318241554347119170558173760439132800885367759161394001


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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