Factor Info

ID 55670
Size 464 digits / 1539 bits
Status composite
Value 18394768591951985284047484611038419893158125181666610594297334211025336746954021677780633636642624484138729284170226076212376185478576388943280602728108089268415682890112762117265697920476793371823069753605155913679291344488125879399177206422095074678237893192832354040891357744917363398216826369145140873269010664712824427355844434128834624394610591749672923172026301344284946540425799448645323389793215696680364845711587934815111145556604812518691714296964069941


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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