Factor Info

ID 5618
Size 463 digits / 1538 bits
Status composite
Value 9631819539996350438709367613534776299615857214995937668433578032689009494610361798660620977568295549708294678087293679786277402054691498518369982271124382661909783677474667002791176087157873494222082531567008128992207732980219720868053379293386689986220496600516222009338705683708899077153232921313472896743539720019551801168454725717223996373813227532996905537648099147004129365529203243341023804284970508527615135442870406225137163237888950869010571268301531773


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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