Factor Info

ID 57889
Size 460 digits / 1528 bits
Status composite
Value 9104409765861800156864724797707937215928859135944072589365162663032504625079024710201722006533725530270579262265465937489175681207242142239208908204812865955816393151830133522725486020590644297897356866277528561807895312390967836668815791101095249471693883802680014687698855059202254218754199158972274720800337531503577769212112976094055868899089884254720591243959598864374858457445760954368889399617527003011877323637202579968687070397966463865490144190290447


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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