Factor Info

ID 58012
Size 462 digits / 1534 bits
Status composite
Value 523607514637536734667288361541331415168519125059712730096296279945057981306763654183535342044677579532355231436785400942793288340601999568979711495057397442056610412625040443589626198585217643562401380982172002662034416149173901179841305266673338807653574282720687481257650852668846233519238930699426365397034955538058462293009138036373060216003103457810777896402572219674546800361084587717497970454556980760695504240564428657419295964282411862438342842375671243


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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