Factor Info

ID 60168
Size 462 digits / 1534 bits
Status composite
Value 428351421128995656453446261095122902714558213773477741095591175739457037260377324140439739183588992555400590432501223982430619332604441875508595172191043448675646830871127114195426795071081390597667240920574048388151915032664105240158804757922687981307373105731980846132202076784641379211209623805311951363554268598226729190125048074945843760182297942619842582883637016846269021029378681408316373855747351018536864756044684430504449791436036337464202586137042259


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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