Factor Info

ID 60192
Size 469 digits / 1557 bits
Status composite
Value 4111416629954361458865207890066256297282402301426296233691621277767615606114110714112926867888940975320639547824755986040783243543012147194186003851028135339688262369763468154758837975382681016258824352055801567074846597096100008064144592641034151967179734095543018921543613032083767069223966931899186389214232884401445037961506515000629237133613601915839096612462293978028184384141123578723358641229621712907334666028363129130055736837121503641820910802386947709314467


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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