Factor Info

ID 60213
Size 464 digits / 1540 bits
Status composite
Value 20869420714887770865346086738700248562858217162566793597216646549400058984701408968598397360683167660955902556637808988440464154625487671165066054321078263025007160689984706112777660911727713299487805817669130018080113166353984837058923021970522758238695682332182789540981837314151144299936003050219347073881562194113934563326594140878473818579858404147757272345330859747102805345908419822680295463922264272830196016172836739456776125388572711891019265149413363311


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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