Factor Info

ID 60218
Size 467 digits / 1551 bits
Status composite
Value 46378181406856916886419292184578900888567128163515545835467803758527373571240644613851353364974720900860596409370043275612395301256260695769126311034355999604136984557856582949490574956480461262988437275307426694736844419092106059001374089784216528203051594526682440693992758306061182395662056816316642907647624197893158945506428243580143715280284618695477816012923618595290576573449173420405947308819215071647703280819205552581505745545291188013752877361447355582313


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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