Factor Info

ID 60249
Size 472 digits / 1566 bits
Status composite
Value 2242369817108783184626692917925174742483983615440220104515182679827423317217457976114712437928524882193154633496189885443811922312276932722722313208930173495998046956541798656370207369356267198270896277248743013186941732617976498860406013170491034617765769569322518100964796782350541300690791997398239849433040359884176236345638908608439782941444838110744483147178191493065956653889365145064065669976085960620565142303339852110804927440708387937378092886953828496797916263


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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