Factor Info

ID 66547
Size 470 digits / 1562 bits
Status composite
Value 96933068066555093790710953597626404045075922348527439637407926701413358988601943330139627248269390515775393824321379682809252855985380809383255941316582276152977182367587921189967255406041988118254271805007580940791060026204155242420405988846601798741360170798375571428888152802178140967610958770934202340141514130378423493246447203702642084509114118595101131758434105390754905283652133035850259214692842135520291298292664378288900752819238156143494189758737388001355241


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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