Factor Info

ID 74011
Size 468 digits / 1553 bits
Status composite
Value 283013923006376958527400224776879873196485710562846281168813751058343650889132199593050840299997705339213514217509940262413173887024499687556078259086895625386621847286494793771347737190475818880361872268875922814319830123307968784699462833446969142002115428246039398356654737389347630844845945262757313520041057232467302743200730378175172242004504135468090157240101513577376474663646700007246543934025094845867517414901022457928805864408643644871319326691408716005583


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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