Factor Info

ID 74033
Size 468 digits / 1552 bits
Status composite
Value 141680816939209124991760142440160805360092885701668065760266207696058276378358980460398678070497009953108621627019199768978567664667897260288035862791918264504039057626761697092404133229090714689450772815441225230979980819834687899962125410346761434299429677019458585204646023621157497561545112555276397392252365003530324003246598313154528720294754757462247961468837471836693740264517098642107799551206476938846060609678953111183521679258209279716124873333567404234713


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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