Factor Info

ID 74165
Size 462 digits / 1535 bits
Status composite
Value 966856316371757632020482673018471889104242611973957292180070053693884071644503502007119411793274940789531020949709826569745646056016925077604448874468140574998841066452474946942156259943767067485097334838770613929507033449425163540980125816941766900706489044721490040019169741057268788918165592865808369993146053354498940736307314170896053343452115309213961732714353389652035498367248158275335760379662758719489883755704288476981357621846185929903383731266805411


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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