Factor Info

ID 74208
Size 460 digits / 1528 bits
Status composite
Value 8294340944863654637535282763823365569245609581739487227738831707559933865888304522291410964385710054100089146733227939666535202151793663811313838202641417920094378607192187072194596284712120837649477900889962384238905879278242100671598943432332051364701137009795743975860620771163476590569489012294733159573363107724798171204755051787402445403948148118237796998138582651785553560684687161933217964503724175162556394199594443488010785456217611223866824646955307


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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