Factor Info

ID 74499
Size 413 digits / 1370 bits
Status composite
Value 24632206824827384320029996989858754732254323536842227330595517840871612110781729079550229627956063289189702524225762845217315849856729204122967785365504633262094794517447707146524251422259571497507786800791316524358900040733552488742385495190833167599877960308454904951432789369013226785573026081620531712551167483927697523263432585898239749555126364591045162934326549274728090759321009915486676227726170751715881


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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