Factor Info

ID 74888
Size 471 digits / 1563 bits
Status composite
Value 197849205658499664606459246660757491011357347160955665208994719432041543328088141700164613620650175103886915916852540109938615068068722092999370930537676652322281447165166905645000855042069121722007433434839398235914421861541380897855908708947850040468393355980467055677908173096532257703452985392248485190010397471377052215483932454652398968553411471754747312862114941172213132943862756877434929575385656044862961047358009273391045950112655917542731379129894182194760821


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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