Factor Info

ID 74943
Size 462 digits / 1533 bits
Status composite
Value 182061773378543981468467372070383381455548331974077446003150964627544198399126678063767977415610268012472322320063276566227163201968865029083242791899125907487475417285353843869533627035063504683564239131651749345226026208253822821665802556076935175788218109110987252914232039753987917787715236109063557129277965585988448014836539047682655398578180446878325100370397964967846343987480780702064813808706807700597923061883710957812295789427731536246475601934770999


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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