Factor Info

ID 77491
Size 464 digits / 1540 bits
Status composite
Value 28152215163355181257385591220035548489941469339124438283621957640262739543545651808666641051397590517431370052341042920868401244349037430050391432777619454969792456664265663618859691425408744299358931672898307023037642459047601073206512220325644892349394779118165595450981761532506771684449726542166797675184322694773213792704606809268551138941737305748738172293217829537512899959049789422248126318121202770959014888315858071320162241203407459989301615479740718301


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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