Factor Info

ID 78235
Size 469 digits / 1557 bits
Status composite
Value 3096151135666855328144716885072733530917635770872049504813566763461588822872305372317952906909025568939389761091961237242075566398998101228604630679227642439034600773519423773397597633390621253625915743041855094876054797411548337713485987153020902927158234358069520068000414234737083553478951798098230771305812437433495720935654080506406636921524315955997570358676146200731417815665202858402643170763695357160857195699957111259951655443107669484477288438523101008426651


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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