Factor Info

ID 79401
Size 469 digits / 1557 bits
Status composite
Value 3641639204035365045169039372474733133430891198826562545878293601798408297174770366750307190142637677631544961706111003172658260222812291100555871730339078239058056567369424974326591273331268962314863696293603293930735154515646547712593779011992709041872791422296726574189873458583377897921774235394659366341252027610494233337490557817850537426179250572585769695374018889765719102844871819252134341108482627472513130603503137947259205482457052415373405374961168298507639


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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