Factor Info

ID 79415
Size 466 digits / 1546 bits
Status composite
Value 1885065798610020815333928036665078799124517812046719994704475983587907938432430060287671904301739846555122559070966134239694238091713678694940224329956714714529695905609235130390420460344683688656537122739478800869772166218311648616173755183982936712862812586908665762872185036700035435396273750913067036347350867365234515985068747129171059659827736579142185439737093387597015155697405105953987343112525693873992891683848094705115994644170460962075545490385817732569


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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