Factor Info

ID 80033
Size 468 digits / 1554 bits
Status composite
Value 358406536154597092947400338949343508962349233649231970300639234116212740823175038778385260862858979488398502539714609799591053150517081152364733916372538485422273001962908551114174801307103718142006248825877831309964304109313037622639718525103495548317828416086914260179429725582825014340732908231330573574959623965028556830758139974464268102975505153406438216874741390114702035741390854415076306011202548810825676635860554235021839678491888729217976675686414899349631


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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