Factor Info

ID 80098
Size 472 digits / 1567 bits
Status composite
Value 4670065616231257640672202885029592815271012580817474626033399774265860592760530029244066481556289843679444585110130874462830220309634979052186484339416331252594042894352742659843943780111439202155348425584525910290210366424053644847044894688470153441379961664961396033938877634365038053434991818982481135472515019556785035168584608577971844747115248822226000870116665003653964131396829531275352599528923462025932150774273632473912556583299843354478337778768871027422006679


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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