Factor Info

ID 80342
Size 471 digits / 1564 bits
Status composite
Value 453919596539069574322195640337112516279224452064403362649187687869025904550579631630418888656216300683422436240023599028770512145285687511136235785335680155226047854371854028247080308371663481705513286598110023176059160426307096407238897413877419375688547784520920541621067421434251546493957791718348769991679771968239982472307553839451540580340775677065861634854130122808241596957354276881968597896498316319739486573943124512316311228629321197070617102406637074359119579


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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