Factor Info

ID 80872
Size 468 digits / 1552 bits
Status composite
Value 107182450430423762395422469897130930795557173212844301293028096828262054757697348832177518851436480186474848226322313958259380107039492349160673395691357492411938490442823507822211007922180957197144771399963314365963733312066355643249251036591288637252914346347610760757439269498550172436567823023175063787426161381465083612412429635052964193185649884369647756845102846623250963530992085668432218310320294931158240053766790342506003328368920485226557479106006444891161


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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