Factor Info

ID 80988
Size 461 digits / 1531 bits
Status composite
Value 45966490487312280025923893715353017163177935118951718804411727844322485155295593054505979235111680706861490203965583457488006397420521626777282626174796482702318135346395544629334474739868440540978522461533270433151313983327033672725180039391835968612256958170861782834946926763232978882476741229662124104057671340437436045913280592170600565396885940776776141672892844100628767968562868686691941698183252609152906230104774273180827713214189361182645656963786949


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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