Factor Info

ID 81109
Size 461 digits / 1529 bits
Status composite
Value 17843904079672752657735228272647060103525593422945041345535436691479435242180973975949019619525024588999774558144956060234633329620873999697536405020860749248831807460918661069977746813199983112816753407463795968857976994850347972068565358097755175012877002305851914734731419940357934716409754851183395833217688711750330092023109950333605042119094580255216382372931014407146970694356374256368110353324041782175312470090654087153101154430973095950510205370287183


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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