Factor Info

ID 81962
Size 472 digits / 1568 bits
Status composite
Value 5518959877370624459224926984264003790769599206476473423276791285639642561904415204540781722956327800511607087700657632365495855646437519371133209122385731146541601530684825211502056079230695381862881558923791932786517399651673149312820019993542443775865937802477710048397163646231620230732834290066516967087823766790687768085636595179972687966715250431732355910783826315528236890406761760731055824556934000404887000345983087017374850164813497142005720556024131660429882061


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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