Factor Info

ID 82010
Size 465 digits / 1542 bits
Status composite
Value 121060191104738501027269291550952605111478519050847525226485698987194226726293436397051569269509282151301077891290964405995795550012917751929006626152668995152289021697058372865160963390254349536385889830191558988193474251828389655908210745280584553423837439506611717802159081261507150104850384882351734739989300815638636088481039442003360577556255822504181263088965351689541743120972391449613771728279018378320568674588149632525825747217338466777930956477285476627


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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