Factor Info

ID 82144
Size 464 digits / 1539 bits
Status composite
Value 18849931853480552655572397402362589379220966974358067490149155320724713328795902821716005713350734260765313401930276288425330355890017164326000456783253433249403858370558805679613234509823249859279736701849895287984392804024908145949818276386235144305654963668752984904135506182517059457933177522856823802776885638300179253351664404467287481808288689133363869916496685471120893908117138018751546816528695649910207544624344205702510281129026736110948475118661725249


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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