Factor Info

ID 82874
Size 467 digits / 1550 bits
Status composite
Value 22486855924510652335459835219540381136373035394372505391947780703251711550697893426070766771487060601939304369681915227396604036252640756279753451418627724950106726226052827212055032850767415105628162989229477539693386520806194667489463324011000373189525303580432757191882565760525985195757343117517601883332561886386152859455590102181039262280856359079818950801772589326223010711712634828574523616090569653455793955742683946785338666453791080641746770408498230068209


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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