Factor Info

ID 83068
Size 472 digits / 1568 bits
Status composite
Value 6059929963675545765732486917613892578968184952965944271651168557220169475793520630832051757628869912951326326029168894637679604392240139652778308777808534420633595340019974710506013925270555308769583840050381441682353485263138194490591051643028363642416399601512958757025817023009728011712524909293326734401644384477524862097623427972205946505437497052720588849428091256550404814657917775242037101330789869436183627594091333854531537603310544030633861348412199685881380883


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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