Factor Info

ID 83099
Size 461 digits / 1531 bits
Status composite
Value 44148590691407015371183231027772828775921073475800190164164611887739990258924324253561069882510196817920876757235853942691627993039386748219735143674762811064670001297935709518009557366845552927261063227104076859771919982000121790170819672936439252288426310323271834682863181766569028082343682191912666936079920754881648236807674476501794825163716323973615568795577839604571990926938731651686764796325752983176670118289312722455893341277044657969148392613182417


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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