Factor Info

ID 83125
Size 466 digits / 1547 bits
Status composite
Value 2845088227415436178483089811127897390203648200868918848924108367411685702938703878283538010510735966203840727521521028389726209909049573336366461678035071789424217924022427562023635094556649988092147672306310019061671383683655529588813889288098740882230225612296251528029266418470612896186264226252481509951746043136894936853998828970423861796475282469554698854576580195235762385569991397822255216853734232298339797428118571414921844736112736605169423141538765749231


Primary unknown

Primary factorization keeps track of the smallest (known) prime factor. Secondary factorizations are old results kept when a new smaller prime factor is found, which occasionally happens with ECM.

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